Oliver Wyman | Platefome Climat et Développement Durable
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Il est temps de passer à l’action.
Pour atteindre l’objectif zéro carbone d'ici 2050, le monde doit réduire de moitié ses émissions au cours des dix prochaines années. Bien que les ambitions en matière de climat augmentent, nous sommes encore loin d'avoir atteint cet objectif. De nombreuses entreprises s’y sont engagées, à la fois pour leur propre empreinte mais en encourageant également leurs clients et partenaires à suivre la même voie, et cette démarche nécessite une transition complète des activités actuelles.

Oliver Wyman travaille avec ses clients pour accélérer leur transition environnementale et contribuer à la construction d’un avenir plus durable et inclusif. Nous aidons nos clients à définir et mettre en place leur stratégie de développement durable sur toute leur chaîne de valeur, à identifier et anticiper les risques climatiques et leur impact financier, ainsi qu’à développer de nouvelles opportunités commerciales pour garantir un avantage concurrentiel.

Nous réunissons des compétences à la fois sectorielles et fonctionnelles approfondies au sein de notre réseau – Oliver Wyman, le Forum Oliver Wyman et notre groupe Marsh McLennan – afin de relever les nouveaux défis liés à la transition climatique et d'apporter un avantage concurrentiel à nos clients.


Oliver Wyman and CDP Europe have published five major reports analysing the progress and shortfalls of Europe's path to net zero, drawing on CDP's comprehensive self-reported environmental data and Oliver Wyman's analytical rigour. The strategic insights and corporate case studies highlighted in these reports can help senior executives understand and act on their climate and nature-related impacts.

Oliver Wyman is supporting the World Economic Forum as a knowledge partner on a broad range of initiatives including, Financing the Transition to a Net Zero Future, Sector Transitions to Nature Positive, and the Partnership for Advancing Health in Climate Action. These initiatives have engaged a multistakeholder community of financiers, industry stakeholders, philanthropists and public institutions to unlock opportunities for a net zero and nature-positive future.

Oliver Wyman and CDP Europe have published five major reports analysing the progress and shortfalls of Europe's path to net zero, drawing on CDP's comprehensive self-reported environmental data and Oliver Wyman's analytical rigour. The strategic insights and corporate case studies highlighted in these reports can help senior executives understand and act on their climate and nature-related impacts.

Oliver Wyman is supporting the World Economic Forum as a knowledge partner on a broad range of initiatives including, Financing the Transition to a Net Zero Future, Sector Transitions to Nature Positive, and the Partnership for Advancing Health in Climate Action. These initiatives have engaged a multistakeholder community of financiers, industry stakeholders, philanthropists and public institutions to unlock opportunities for a net zero and nature-positive future.

Oliver Wyman served as the knowledge partner to the GFANZ Secretariat. Since launching in 2021, more than 450 financial firms, from 45 countries, responsible for more than $130 trillion in financial assets, have committed to aligning their operations and financing with achieving 1.5°C. GFANZ has published five major reports which help financial institutions translate their net zero pledges into actionable, near-term and science-based transition plans.

Oliver Wyman worked with UNEP FI to develop common analytical tools – including scenarios, methodologies and metrics – for banks to strengthen their assessment and disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities. This will enhance their ability to implement the TCFD recommendations and promote consistency and comparability in climate change assessments and disclosures across the sector.

Oliver Wyman served as the knowledge partner to the GFANZ Secretariat. Since launching in 2021, more than 450 financial firms, from 45 countries, responsible for more than $130 trillion in financial assets, have committed to aligning their operations and financing with achieving 1.5°C. GFANZ has published five major reports which help financial institutions translate their net zero pledges into actionable, near-term and science-based transition plans.

Oliver Wyman worked with UNEP FI to develop common analytical tools – including scenarios, methodologies and metrics – for banks to strengthen their assessment and disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities. This will enhance their ability to implement the TCFD recommendations and promote consistency and comparability in climate change assessments and disclosures across the sector.


Ce que nous en pensons

Gauging Corporate Progress On Emissions Cuts And Nature Loss

Gauging Corporate Progress On Emissions Cuts And Nature Loss

With CDP we identify four key levers to reach net zero goals

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Nature-Positive Strategies To Drive The Automotive Sector

Nature-Positive Strategies To Drive The Automotive Sector

Five priority actions to unlock business opportunities

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Life Sciences Innovation Can Cut Climate’s Health Impacts

Life Sciences Innovation Can Cut Climate’s Health Impacts

Public-private partnerships and innovative financing are key

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Making The EU’s Do No Significant Harm Rule User Friendly

Making The EU’s Do No Significant Harm Rule User Friendly

How regulators can simplify Green Deal taxonomy for banks

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Understanding the role of banks, investors, and insurers

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Six priority actions the UK can take to accelerate CDR

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Nos OPPORTUNITéS DE CARRIèRES Climat et développement durable

En tant que consultant Climat et Développement Durable, vous travaillerez en équipe et contribuerez à aider les grandes organisations du monde entier à atteindre leurs objectifs de décarbonisation ainsi que les accompagner dans leur transition écologique.

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