Antoine Weckx | Financial Services | Paris
Antoine Weckx
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Based in Paris, Antoine is a partner in our Financial Services Practice, where he leads our corporate and institutional banking (CIB), finance and risk, and climate and sustainability teams for France and Belgium.

Over the past 20 years, Antoine has collaborated with a diverse range of global and regional banks, assisting them in addressing strategic, regulatory, operational, sustainable finance, cultural, and transformation challenges. His expertise extends to working with various regulators and public bodies.

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Banking is a fascinating industry — banks are at the core of financing the real economy; not much can happen without them. At the same time, the industry is in constant evolution given evolving clients, regulatory, and technological trends

Antoine graduated from HEC in 2004, where he also contributes as a lecturer, teaching "Strategy in Financial Institutions" alongside fellow partners.

His project experience is extensive, including multiple CIB strategy developments, financial resource optimization programs, and regulatory remediation in the credit, treasury, anti-financial crime, and operational resilience space. In the realm of transformation, Antoine has led several group-wide operating model transformations, front-to-back. His work in climate and sustainability includes 360-degree program reviews, net-zero planning, stress testing, scoring, and embedding of climate and environmental considerations in the banks’ processes.

Antoine's personal interests include sports, traveling with his family, music, wine, gardening, and enjoying good parties with friends. He emphasizes the importance of humility, curiosity, challenging the status quo, perseverance, and building strong relationships in his professional advice.